Oris Dental Sunshine Coast Dentist Special Offers
In office bleach (teeth whitening) normally $700.00 nearly half price $495.00!
Oris Dental Sunshine Coast Dentist Special Offers
Combined offer- In office (teeth whitening) plus take home kit @ $800 (normal price over $1100.00) to keep you smiling longer!
Oris Dental Sunshine Coast Dentist Special Offers
Porcelain Crowns- Special price $1275.00. Claim your health fund rebate now.
Oris Dental Sunshine Coast Dentist Special Offers
Dental Implant and Crown for $4500.00! (Reduced by $700.00)
Oris Dental Sunshine Coast Dentist Special Offers
Smile makeover with 10 upper porcelain (e.max) veneers $9999.00! fixed price guarantee
Oris Dental Sunshine Coast Dentist Special Offers
Terms and Conditions
As an experienced dentist in sunshine coast, we offer some of the best deals to our patients. However, we have a few standard terms and conditions on our offers. We have mentioned them below :
- Suitable for adults 18 years and over.
- Any Surgical/Invasive procedure carries inherent risks and we encourage you to get a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner or specialist before proceeding.
- Above offers can be availed only after a thorough dental assessment with the dentist to determine the need for the above mentioned procedures. This assessment is done for a nominal fee of $70.00 (health fund rebates apply). Any additional investigations/procedures and costs (if applicable) will be explained at the appointment.
- We abide by the rules of our governing body and do not support indiscriminate or unnecessary use of health services and therefore reserve the right to refuse above dental services when not indicated.
Mention this promotion while making the appointment.
In office bleach. For more information visit
Watch in Office bleaching Video
At Oris Dental Whitening procedures have effectively restored the smile of people with stained, dull, or discoloured teeth.
The darker tissue of your teeth, the dentin, can become exposed as the outer layer of enamel is worn away by the effects of aging or things like caffeine and tobacco.
Food particles are naturally attracted to a tooth’s enamel by a certain protein. Products like coffee and tea, berries and soy sauce are notorious for staining teeth. Over time, teeth actually become more absorbent and vulnerable to staining from food and other substances.
One type of stain—caused by traumatic injuries, medications and fluorosis—actually begins inside the tooth; brushing and flossing don’t help. Another type of stain—one that can be more easily attacked by brushing, flossing and rinsing—is caused by external factors such as foods.
More and more people today are choosing tooth-whitening procedures to reverse the effects of aging and abuse from food and tobacco stains.
Some commercially available “whitening toothpastes” can be somewhat effective at removing stains and making teeth a few shades brighter. However, many of these products have abrasive substances that can actually wear away your tooth’s enamel.
Whitening agents actually change the colour of your teeth, but only are effective on certain types of stains. For example, bleaching agents have a difficult time removing brownish or greyish stains. These products also are not as effective on pitted or badly discoloured teeth, or on restorations such as crowns, bridges, bonding and tooth-coloured fillings (porcelain veneers or dental bonding may be more appropriate in this case).
Get in touch with our dedicated team if you're looking for dental services along the coastal hubs of Kawana, Caloundra or Maroochydore.